Welcome to KIIT Arbitration Centre

The Patron of the KIIT Arbitration Centre (KAC) will be Honourable Founder, Dr. Achuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT and KISS. Chairman of the Centre is Prof. (Dr.) N.K. Chakraborti, Director, School of Law, KIIT University; Vice-Chairman of the Centre is Prof. Steve K. Ngo, International Arbitrator and academic, among others visiting faculty to School of Law, KIIT University and National Law University, Delhi.

Faculties associated with the Centre are Mr. Aswini Patro, as Convenor and Dr. Puranjoy Ghosh and Mr. Sthita Prajna Mohanty as Co-Convnors.

Achuta Samanta
Founder, KIIT and KISS

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